


Mizell Funeral Home has partnered with Memorial Monuments Inc. to bring a host of breathtaking & memorable monuments to honor and memorialize the lives of those that we hold so dearly to our hearts and cherish in our memories. With a range of color choices and personalization options available to fit most budgets, from timeless simplistic designs to stately custom options and everything in between. We at Mizell Funeral Home are proud to bring this service to the people of Crawford and surrounding counties. These monuments are available to anyone without the obligation of having used our funeral services. This is to benefit all those in search of a memorial solution either for future use or immediate need. These monuments can meet the needs of traditional burial, cremation burial, green burial & cenotaph applications (memorials for those not physically present at the site of the memorial marker)

Click here to view some of the monuments we have had the pleasure of designing with loved ones’ families.

Monument Design Collection

Cremation Memorial Collection

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